Thursday, June 27, 2013

Praise God for His Goodness

Today I read Psalms 107 and I was struck by the Psalms lament that if only people would praise God for His goodness.  At first this seems like a silly statement, of all the things to praise God for, wouldn't people praise Him for His righteousness and goodness?  But as I thought about it, no, we don't.  When we praise God or think about Him, we thank Him for things He has done.  Now on the surface this may seem like the same, and at times it is the same, however do we stop to thank Him for His wonderful Spirit that we feel at times?  I know I do in church when I have felt the Spirit, but I don't do it outside of the church and the temple.  Shame on me!  God is good no matter where I am and if I don't feel His Spirit or presence everywhere that is my fault, not His!  Do we praise God when things turn out better than they could have, even though the result is not what we desired?  It can always be worse.  God loves us and really wants us to be happy.  He knows what will make us truly happy, much better than we know ourselves.  We should thank Him for His willingness to let us suffer and have trials.  To love us enough to let us grow.  We need to have a relationship with our God, our Father of our spirits, like we do with a loving Father here on the earth.  We respect and love our fathers here, how much more so should we love our Father in Heaven?  Until tomorrow.

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