Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Satan is Real

Today I read Zechariah 3 where Zechariah sees in vision where the Lord rebukes Satan.  It is a scary thought to think that Satan is a very real person and knows us personally and how to tempt us so we will falter.  I think of Joseph Smith's experience right before he had the first vision where he was physically attacked by Satan and Joseph had no relief at all until the Savior and Heavenly Father appeared.  Satan is very real and he hates us with a passion.  His one desire is to see us fail and to have us lose our glory.  If we give in to his temptations and settle for worldly pleasures, that is exactly what we will be doing too.  We owe it to ourselves not to give up or falter.  If we want to be the best that we can be, we need to stand strong and cast him out as Jesus did before us.  We have a great example in Moses.  He cast out the devil using the power of the Savior and we can do the same when we are confronted with him.  Don't give up your birthright for the filth of the world.  Until tomorrow.

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