Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jehu Annointed King

Today I read 2 Kings 9 where Elisha sends a prophet to annoint a new king over Israel.  What is amusing to me however, is that when the men around Jehu see the prophet coming, they have nothing but bad things to say about the man.  When the man arrives, he pulls Jehu off to the side and annoints him to be king.  It is funny that as he comes back the men of Jehu have several colorful adjectives to describe the prophet, until Jehu tells them what the prophet wanted.  Then they suddenly become believers and can't wait to proclaim the good news!

How interesting that as soon as the men hear something they want to hear, the man must be a prophet of God.  It reminds me of a similar situation in the Book of Mormon where the true prophets are persecuted because they do not blindly tell the king and his followers what they want to hear, but the moment someone who does tell them what it is they want to hear, well that man must be a prophet!  How sad it is that for some, the measure of a prophet is how willing the prophet is to compromise his/her principles and say what the masses wants to hear.  No true prophet of the Lord would ever do such a thing.  Perhaps then, that is the true test of a prophet.  Until tomorrow.

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