Sunday, January 20, 2013

Genealogy and the Lesson of Saul's Life

Today I read 1 Chronicles 2 - 10.  I started this blog with the intent to write something meaningful and my impressions based on what I read that day.  Most of Chronicles it would seem is comprised of lists, be they genealogy or the deeds of mighty men.  As such, I will be reading this book in chunks and blogging about what I read when I find something of substance. 

Chapters 2 - 9 chronicle the descendants of the various tribes of Israel.  Very useful for those who are doing their genealogy, but not so much for those looking to be fed spiritually.  Chapter 10 details the dead of king Saul.  As I have mentioned before, I feel sorry for King Saul.  He was a very good young man so the scriptures state and obeyed the law of the Lord until he was made king.  He could not handle the pressures of being king though and disobeyed the Lord's commands to him.  Despite his worldly pressures, Saul has no one to blame for his fall from grace except himself.  A harsh lesson for all of us to learn.  No matter what excuse we may offer others or even tell ourselves, the reality is that we can follow the Lord's commandments no matter what and if we don't, there will be consequences.  Until tomorrow.

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