Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Lord Slays Those Who Look in the Ark

Today I read 1 Samuel 6 where the Philistines want to give the Ark back to the Israelites.  They called their diviners out and had them tell them what to do.  So the diviners told them how to return the Ark so that God would lift the plagues from off of them.  And so they follow the advice and give the Ark back.

I try to keep my posts spiritual but sometimes I can't help but throw in some fun asides.  This chapter is the basis for the scene in Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Nazis open the Ark.  Indiana remembers this chapter and that Heavenly Father slew 50,000 men for looking in the Ark.  So that is how he knew to keep his eyes closed.  But seriously, in the chapter we are not told why they looked in the Ark.  For all we know they could have just wanted to make sure that the Philistines did not defile it, their intentions could have been pure.  But it was not a thing for them to touch and so the Lord slew them.  I've got to admit that it sounds like a harsh thing to do and does not really jive with the loving Heavenly Father we were all taught about in primary.

I have often wondered if the Lord previously had told them that they should never look into it on pain of death and it is just is not recorded in the scriptures.  To my knowledge it is not in there, but I do not think for  a second we have every decree and word spoken by God through His prophets recorded in our modern day scriptures.  We will know the truth of it someday and I'm sure it will all make sense and be connected.  Heavenly Father does not delight in death and destruction and is not a bloodthirsty God.  We have to have faith that everything He does is either for the best or perhaps in fulfillment of something He has said.  That is what I believe.  Until tomorrow.

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