Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Israel Destroys the City of Gilead for its Crimes

Today I read Judges 20 which is a continuation of the story from chapter 19.  The Levite whose concubine died cut her body up and sent it to all the tribes of Israel as a testimony against the city of Gilead.  They were so outraged that they gathered an army of over 400,000 men to destroy the city of Gilead.  Surprisingly though, when the tribe of Benjamin, whose men Gilead was, heard the reason why Israel was arrayed for war, they would not help but instead fought against Israel.

I just don't understand how anyone could defend such wickedness.  I mean, heaven forbid, but if one of my children raped another human being, I would be the first one to turn them in to the police.  I would not hide them or shield them from the law.  I cannot imagine anyone doing such a horrible thing!  I guess if you were unrighteous yourself then it would be no big deal for you to hide something that was done by a loved one that was unrighteous too. 

It is really nice to see that the rest of Israel were as outraged as I was when they learned about it.  I'm glad they did not stand idly by and just let such an outrage happen without doing anything.  They even went to the Lord to ensure they were right in attacking the tribe of Benjamin when they would not give up the town of Gilead.  The Lord assured them that He was with them and they were doing the right thing.  It is always good to seek the Lord's approval once you have made a decision.  It's good counsel even for our day still.  Until tomorrow.

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