Monday, October 15, 2012

Samuel Judges Israel

Today I read 1 Samuel 7 where Samuel entreats the men of Israel to forsake false gods and serve Heavenly Father instead.  Samuel seems to have some success as it states that Israel put off the false gods and served Jesus Christ, or Jehovah as they called Him then.  I wonder if the prophets and judges ever felt like it was almost a futile effort to get Israel to serve their God?  However, when God tells you to do something, you do it!  After all, that's what got Jonah in trouble.

Samuel was quite the busy guy it seems.  According to the scriptures he would travel from city to city preaching the word of God and making sure that everyone was doing what was right.  He truly was fulfilling the scriptures when it tells us that we should be anxiously engaged in a good cause.  Jesus Himself stated that whosoever would lose his life for His sake would find it.  I have always felt that means if we were to spend our entire life, all of our energies on serving God and doing what He asks of us, it would not be a wasted life.  In fact if we believe Heavenly Father, and we should, it would be the best life we could possibly have here on earth.  Try it out and see.  Until tomorrow.

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