Saturday, October 13, 2012

That Ark Plagues the Philistines

Today I read 1 Samuel 5 where the Ark of the Lord is taken to various cities of the Philistines.  Wherever the Ark rests, plagues torment the men of the Philistines.  It's interesting how quickly the Philistines pick up on this and demand that they send the Ark back to the Israelites.  And yet, despite their recognizing that the Ark is the source of their issues, they do not realize that God is what is causing it to be a holy object in need of return.

It is interesting to me how people can rationalize almost anything away.  If they have their mind set on something, then they can see only what they want to see.  They will not accept truth even if it is placed in front of their eyes.  I see it everyday in my work honestly.  It is very sad how people when they want to be right will go to any length almost to avoid the truth.  The natural man in me takes comfort that there is no escaping justice in this life, Heavenly Father WILL hold us accountable for our actions, if not in this life then in the next.  He is always watching us and will make sure that we are held accountable.  Don't do anything in this life that you don't want to be asked about by your Creator, because it will happen!  Until tomorrow. 

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