Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saul Meets Samuel

Today I read 1 Samuel 9 where Saul meets Samuel for the first time.  Saul is described as an upstanding and goodly person.  This is very different from how he ends up at the end of his life.  Sadly it would seem that Saul is a good example of someone who is corrupted by power.  He could not handle the pressures of being king and having his ego inflated.  He exemplified what God warns against in Doctrine and Covenants 121 where He stated that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men that as soon as they get a little power as they suppose they immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.

It reminds me of Mosiah when he was asking his people to choose a king, he mentioned that they had no right to destroy his son, Aaron.  Now he was meaning by choosing another in his place and causing a civil war, however, I think there might have been a deeper meaning too.  A king is a power unto himself and is not held in check like a judge is.  Perhaps Mosiah did not want Aaron to have that kind of power, fearing what it would do to his son.  I don't know, but we do know what happens to Saul and it is a sad journey indeed as we will read about.  Until tomorrow.

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