Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saul is Presented as King

 Today I read 1 Samuel 10 where Saul is introduced to Israel as the new king.  I can't help but wonder what Saul thought of all of this and if he even wanted to be king.  The way the scriptures read is that he just shows up and Samuel anoints him king, no if ands or buts about it.  So did Saul balk at this calling?  Or was he excited?  I honestly think he was a bit scared because it says when the people came to find him, he was hiding from everyone. 

But just as a prophet is chosen and does not choose himself, Saul was chosen to be king.  He is presented to the tribes of Israel and they are excited to finally have a king.  Now they can be just like everyone else.  However, the scriptures state that not everyone was happy, the people who were worshiping Belial were unhappy with this turn of events.  But as I am fond of saying you can't please everyone and if you have to choose, wouldn't you rather please God than some worshipers of a false god?  Everyone must make their own choices in this life and whom you serve is one that carries eternal consequences!  Choose wisely.  Until tomorrow.

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