Sunday, July 1, 2012

Water Out of the Rock

Today I read Numbers 20 where Miriam and Aaron die.  I always felt sad for Moses because the burden of caring for the Israelites was his to bear, with the help of the Lord or course.  But Aaron and I assume Miriam as well, really helped him bear the physical trials.  It's sad that Moses was left alone for the last however many years.

This chapter also contains the famous incident that causes Moses to not be able to enter into the promised land, the water from the rock.  Once again the Israelites are complaining against Moses and telling him how it would have been better if they had never left Egypt, etc etc.  They are like a broken record and that seems to be their main go to complaint.  So God tells Moses and Aaron to go to a certain rock and talk to it, and water will spring forth from it. 

Instead, Moses and Aaron go before the congregation and hit the rock with their staff.  Now, the Lord still causes water to come out of it because He is merciful and will not let the children of Israel suffer because Moses and Aaron did not follow directions.  But the Lord chastises Moses and Aaron telling them that because they did not follow the directions and did not exalt the Lord in the presence of the children of Israel, neither of them will lead the children of Israel into the promised land.  Now, when I was at BYU, I had a religion professor that put forth an alternative thought on this.  He stated that the reason Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the promised land is symbolism.  He said that it had to be Joshua, which I have been taught is the Hebrew form for Jesus, who led the people into the promised land as a symbol for how Jesus leads us into the promised land.  It's an interesting thought and perhaps there is something to it.  However, Joseph Smith did not change this part of the scriptures so I am assuming that it is also correct.  We will find out for sure one day. 

But what I have always taken away from this chapter is that the Lord will always take care of His children.  That includes us, His children in our day and age.  He will not leave us destitute and has provided everything we need for our spiritual salvation which is of course what is most important.  I think when we reach the other side, we will be quite surprised to see just how involved God was in our lives and how often He took a direct involvement into our lives will probably shock us.  I look forward to finding that out.  In the mean time I can thank Him by doing as He asks of me.  It's the least I can do.  Until tomorrow.

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