Friday, July 6, 2012

Sex, an Awesome Responsibility

Today I read Numbers 25 where the Israelites, at least some of them, forsake their God and go after strange gods.  It's sad how often this happens to the Israelites.  They are always tempted by sex and the worship of other gods.  This chapter states that there are twenty four thousand of the Israelites that were killed by a plague for forsaking their God.

Sex is a wonderful thing to be shared between a husband and a wife.  It is meant to bring them closer to each other in a way that nothing else can.  It is also the manner of reproduction and as such is extremely sacred.  It is also the downfall of more people than any other sin.  I make that statement as an opinion, I do not have any data to support it, but rather it is my own observation as I read the scriptures and view the world around me.  In this chapter one of the Israelites brings a Midianite woman into the Israelite camp and is in the process of having sex with her when the grandson of Aaron, Phinehas, kills them both.  This act of fidelity to the Lord, secures the priesthood for his line.

Sex is very powerful, we all have urges and if we do not control them, they will control us.  Parents have the responsibility to teach their children about sex and the proper use of this sacred power.  It is only to be used between a husband and a wife and no one else, not even ourselves.  Satan has done a very good job of confusing the issues and convincing the world that since sex is so natural it is no sin to indulge in it.  This is very false.  Just like with everything else, there are right ways and wrong ways to use this sacred power.  Jacob in the Book of Mormon taught us that the Lord delights in the chastity of women.  If He delights in it, shouldn't we as well?

It can be hard, especially if you have a weakness for sex, but we are all expected to overcome our weaknesses in this life.  We can always turn to Him who created us for help.  He loves us and will help us overcome our trials and temptations.  Likewise our attitude towards this sacred power can influence our children.  If we teach our children that there is nothing wrong with sex, that sex is actually very wonderful, but must be enjoyed only in the proper way, between a husband and a wife, then we are doing our best to raise our children so that they will have the best chance they can of not abusing this power and becoming addicted to it.  This is our duty as parents.  I promise that God will hold us accountable as parents if we don't teach them the proper manner of sex.  And remember, the best way to teach, is by example.  Until tomorrow.

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