Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rules for Separation Water Usage

Today I read Numbers 19 which contains instructions for sacrificing a red heifer and waters of separation which have to do with being unclean and the process for becoming clean again.  The process seems a little involved to me, but in reality I'll bet it wasn't so bad.  It never ceases to amaze me how involved the steps of the Law of Moses was, and all so that the Israelites could be as healthy as possible.  At least that is my reasoning, I can't really think of other reasons to go to all the trouble of separating oneself from the congregation if you touch a dead body and so forth.

Heavenly Father's laws and commandments don't always make sense to us, but we can always rest assured that there is purpose behind them.  God does not do anything without a reason.  Just because we do not understand the reason doesn't mean it isn't there.  From what I have observed in my own life that reason is generally our own health or spiritual welfare.  It's much easier to have faith in God when you have an understanding of His true character.  Joseph Smith actually taught that unless you have a correct understanding of His character you cannot have faith in Him at all.  I suspect this is because we have to really understand what God's mission and plan is all about to really believe in Him.  At least that's how I see it.  Until tomorrow.

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