Monday, June 11, 2012

Israelites Commanded to Pay Tithes

Today I read Leviticus 27 where the Lord talks about in terms of consecration how much a person is worth in offerings and how much the land is worth.  The Lord has always required His people to have offerings and to pay tithes.  It is interesting though that He tells the Israelites how much a person is worth based on their age so that they can pay the appropriate amount.

I think that some people get confused because God asks His people to pay tithes that God cannot take care of His saints.  But as we have discussed in previous posts, the Lord does not need us to take care of His people, He is the God of Heaven and Earth and can care for His people in any manner He chooses.  The purpose of tithes and offerings is to humble us and cause us to overcome our attachment to the things of this world.

As we follow the commandments of the Lord, no matter which ones they are, we will become more Christlike and be able to overcome the natural man.  That is the point of all commandments.  If we follow them with a willing heart, we will be able to return to live with Him some day and become like He is.  That is His promise to us.  And I look forward to it.  Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. “Holy” tithes were always only FOOD from inside God’s holy land of Israel. Tithes could not come from what man increased, from
    Gentles, or from outside of Israel. Jesus, Peter and Paul did not qualify as tithe-payers.

    God only commanded Old Covenant Israel to tithe to support its priesthood who, in turn, were not allowed to own or inherit property inside Israel.

    O.T. priests did not tithe (Num 18:25-28). In the New Covenant all believers are priests. Gospel workers are supported by gospel principles of grace and faith and giving is freewill and sacrificial.
