Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Levites Consecrated

Today I read Numbers 8 where the Levities are set apart in front of the Israelites.  It also sets the age limits for those who are to serve among the Levities.  The Levite men are to serve from the age of 25 through the age of 50.  This makes me think of the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth and John the Baptists.  I have always pictured them as old men and women who had a children way after their prime.  However, if this was the law, it would appear they were almost 50 or under 50 years old, at least Zacharias was, I suppose Elizabeth could have been older.  Still though, at age 50 Elizabeth was still most likely post menopausal so I do not want to downplay the significance of the miracle that was John the Baptist.  It's just that I had always pictured him as a very old man, and apparently he was not.

The Lord has Moses set apart the Levites in front of the children of Israel.  I suspect this is to show the children of Israel who had God's authority so that there was no question in their minds.  And from what I remember/know of the Old Testament, they did accept the Levites without question and they knew who the priests were.  The Levites were consecrated to the Lord in place of the first born of all Israel.  Heavenly Father reminded Moses that since the time of Egypt, all of Israel's first born children had been consecrated to Him, however He is taking instead the tribe of Levi.  Sometimes I wonder why the Lord did it this way.  It would have been interesting and probably would have worked out ok if He had kept it as the first born of all Israel.  Perhaps He did it this way to keep the line of succession clear?  Or to prevent families from trying to hide their sons?  Obviously there was a reason as God does not do anything without cause.  I'm sure we'll find out some day.  Until tomorrow.

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