Thursday, June 7, 2012

God Gives the Various Feasts to Israel

Today I read Leviticus 23 where God gives Moses the laws concerning the feasts and Sabbath day observance.  It is interesting to me how many feasts the Israelites have each year.  Now, they certainly do not have the market cornered, many religions include feasting as part of their worship services in one form or another.  Latter-day Saints are notorious for bring food to everything, especially funerals. 

But the majority of the chapter was actually more about how to make sure they were keeping the Sabbath day holy.  It is very important to the Lord that we take off one day in seven and keep it holy.  This is as much for our benefit as it is for worship.  We need the down time and if anyone stops to think about it, it makes a lot of sense.  It's just like a vacation in terms of what is needed.  We take vacations as a rest from our labors, to rejuvenate our bodies and to give our minds some rest.  The Sabbath is meant to do the exact same thing.  And it can if we approach it in the right fashion.

If we use the Sabbath day each week to make sure that we are resting from our labors and the cares of the world, it can 100% rejuvenate us.  When we focus on the things of the Spirit for that one day a week, I'm not sure how or why, but it is like a reset button.  The rest of the week just goes better.  It's hard to explain and really has to be experienced to be believed.  But once you experience it for yourself you won't want to go back to the way you used to experience Sundays.  I can promise you that.  Until tomorrow.

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