Friday, July 2, 2010

A Bible, a Bible

2 Nephi 29 and 30 is what I read today. Anyone who has ever been a missionary has a special place in their heart for 2 Nephi 29, for anyone who has ever been a missionary has most likely heard at least someone utter the phrase, "I've already got a Bible, I don't need another one." or "There's only 1 Bible."

Even among the Chinese population where I served I heard people tell me that there is only 1 Bible. I think the Lord's response to these people is most poignant. "Wherefore mumur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word?" I've often wondered why people would flat out refuse to even give it a chance when they were told it was more of God's words. I know if someone came out with another book claiming it was a record of ancient times written by prophets of God, I would at least read it.

But as always, Satan has done his work well. He has managed to convince the world that certain scriptures in the Bible are meant to be taken in a way in which the original author never intended. And people are so willing to believe what they are told. I was talking with one of my employees yesterday about our customers. I work in the telecommunications industry and my employees talk with people all day long attempting to assist the people with their computer issues. She said, "You know the old adage 'Seeing is believing'? Well I think for most people it's actually backwards and it's actually 'Believing is seeing'." How true that is. It's not necessarily that when we see it we will believe it, it's become I don't want to believe it therefore I don't see it.

People have become such skeptics. I remember when I used to talk to people on the phones trying to help them get their internet online and I would suggest something and some people would immediately tell me "That won't work". My response was usually something along the lines of you haven't even tried it yet! Let's at least give it a try before we discount it.

When I was younger I used to think the phrase, the love of men will wax cold, was in reference to homosexuality. I don't anymore. I think it more has to do with the genuine love most people have for other people in general leaving and people start to treat one another with contempt and with a total lack of respect. Which we see in our day. A lot of people, especially in big cities, have lost their love of mankind. And treat each other worse than they would treat a dog on the streets. It's sad really, to see the light of Christ going off in so many people all at once and just as in the movie series Star Wars it happens to the sound of cheers and clapping. Just as Enoch's vision, Satan is indeed laughing and his angels are rejoicing.

It is up to us to be God's servants here upon the earth and do good as much as we can and to be examples upon the earth. The Latter-day Saints certainly do not have a monopoly on goodness. All people have the capacity to make the world a better place. Let's all improve life within our own sphere of influence and make the world a better place one step at a time. Until tomorrow.

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