Sunday, May 6, 2012

Working for the Lord and the Sabbath

Today I read Exodus 31 where the Lord gives Moses instructions in regards to finding artists to dedicate their craft to the beautifying of the tabernacle.  It reminds me of the law of consecration, where we consecrate everything that Lord has blessed us with for the building up of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.  I have talked before how the Lord does not really have need of us, He is the master of all the universe, He can have the very elements rise up and do His bidding if He so desired.  We have need of serving Him.  When we serve our Heavenly Father, we change who we are and become closer to Him, we become better people. 

It's kind of like our earthly parents.  When children start to grow up, they start having chores assigned to them to teach them how to work as well as the value of work.  Now, children probably view this as the parents taking it easy and using child labor to make their lives easier.  The reality of it all though is that the parents could do the work faster and better.  But children need to learn how to work and so the parents allow the children to help them out and to be a part of what makes he household run smoothly.  But what the children don't understand is that this is entirely for the benefit of the child.  It takes a lot of work as a parent to help their child learn to work, way more work than if the parent had just done it themselves.  I imagine Heavenly Father is the exact same way.  He could do it so much faster and better, but we are the ones that need to grow and learn from the experience, so He allows us to help Him.

The last part of the chapter is about keeping the Sabbath day holy.  I have often wondered just why western culture got away from keeping the Sabbath holy.  Well, I know the answer to that if I'm being honest, money.  Business, corporations what ever you want to call them realized that they could earn more money if they were open on Sundays.  I honestly don't see how the common man does it though.  I need my Sundays to recharge my spiritual batteries so that I can face the coming week.  If I did not have that, I am confident that in a few weeks I would be a miserable person and consequently miserable to be around to!  When ever I read the verse that talks about how God rested on the seventh day from His labors I always think of D&C 122 where Jesus asks Joseph Smith if he is greater than Jesus?  Now, the context is completely different, but I still think it fits.  If God took a day off to rest, whether He needed it or not, are we better than God that we don't need a day off to rest from the labors of the world?  Hardly.  We are not better and more capable than God is.  If He needed to take a day off to rest and relax, then so do we, and that's all there is to it.  Until tomorrow.

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