Monday, May 14, 2012

Modest Dress is Important

Today I read Exodus 39 where the Lord tells Moses to make the robes for Aaron and his sons.  It is interesting  to me how important clothing is.  The most sacred of ordinances requires certain clothing and when we go to church we wear our best clothing.  Clothing is an integral part of our society, but it has changed much over the course of the years, and not really for the best.

It's really sad to see how much clothing styles have changed, especially in the case of women.  Immodesty has become the norm in clothing and it is not a good look.  Women don't respect themselves enough to keep their bodies private and sacred.  If they don't respect themselves, how do they expect other people to respect them?  When I was dating around and looking for someone to marry one of my main criteria was how they dressed.  I did not want a woman who dressed like the women on TV.  It is so interesting to me that the more "fashionable" women's clothing is, the less fabric is used.

My opinion has not changed now that I am married either.  My wife is a very attractive woman and I don't want other men oogling my wife.  Nor do I want to go around oogling other women.  Part of the problem with this society these days is there is little to no fidelity in mind.  One of the reasons I enjoy being a Latter-day Saint so much is that modesty is highly favored.  We learn in the Book of Mormon in the book of Jacob that God delights in the chastity of women.  Latter-day Saints get a lot of flack about our garments that we wear after we go to the temple for the first time.  And yet those garments help us stay modest in our dress.  If we wear them correctly then we have to wear clothing that covers them up.  Modesty is a value that has gone away that we really need more of in this life.  Modesty is a value that if it made a comeback would solve so many of the world's problems.  I really wish all women, and men, would dress more modestly.  It would be such a nicer world.  Until tomorrow.

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