Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bezaleel Makes the Ark

Today I read Exodus 37 where Bezaleel makes the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat.  This man must be a very talented artisan because he is the man they predominantly mention building the ark and the tabernacle.  He is a man that had no trouble dedicating his time, talents and energy to the building up of the kingdom of God.  And as I said, it sounds like he was really talented.

There's not a lot to say honestly about this chapter.  We just talked yesterday about consecration and that is what comes to mind when I read this chapter.  It really kind of strikes me as odd that some people would not want to serve God.  I mean, why wouldn't they?  He is the creator of our spirits and our souls and He has always treated us fairly and treated us well.  He only wants what is best for us, it's just that what we think will be good or best for us does not always match up with what He KNOWS will be best for us.  The thing we can do to make sure we are the happiest we can be in this life is to make sure that we pray for our will to align with His.  That is what will give us the most happiness.  Until tomorrow.

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