Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today I read Leviticus 16 where Moses and Aaron are taught about the scapegoat and how to offer sacrifice regarding the scapegoat.  It is so interesting to me that of all the things that could translate to our culture, it is the idea of a scapegoat.  The idea is that all the sins of a people can be put onto a single animal, a goat in this case, and that it is then released into the wilderness.  Quite clearly a type and shadow of the Savior Himself.

It is interesting to me how many different types of sacrifice the Israelites had.  I mean they have a different type of animal and method of sacrifice for just about every instance.  I wonder why that is honestly, why wasn't it just the same type of animal for all their sacrifices?  Perhaps so it didn't become too routine and that they had to think about it and keep it at the forefront of their thoughts?  I'm not really sure but I suspect it was to try and keep things so they did not become too common and that the people had to make sure they were doing the sacrifice because they wanted to, not just going through the motions. 

Anytime an ordinance gets repeated too often, it can lead to it becoming a routine and losing its significance.  Latter-day Saints face this conundrum with the sacrament.  It is repeated each and every week and we can take it for granted quite easily instead of using it the way it was intended and making sure that we use it to draw closer to our Heavenly Father in remembrance of what our Savior did for us.  Jesus Christ was our scapegoat, He took upon us all our sins, because He loved us and wanted to.  He was scared yes, who wouldn't be?  But He did it willingly and out of love for each and everyone of us, and love for His Heavenly Father.  That is true sacrifice.  Any LDS readers out there, I hope you will recommit yourself to using the sacrament each week as it is intended, to draw closer to the Savior.  I know I will.  Until tomorrow.

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