Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Method for Cleansing Leprous Houses/Leprosy of the Spirit

Today I read Leviticus 14 which deals with the manner that the people would handle a house that was leprous and would deal with the clothing of a person who had leprosy.  I find it interesting that the people who get leprosy have to offer a sin offering, almost like the reason they got leprosy was because of some sin they did.  It is no surprise to me however that a sin offering is a firstborn male lamb without blemish.  It's just a shame that the people of the day could not see the imagery, but then again, hindsight is 20/20.

After yesterday's reading with how seriously the people considered leprosy to be, it is no surprise to me that they would also burn the clothing and tear down the house and even go as far as to remove the housing materials out of the city into a designated unclean spot.  The people take leprosy very seriously. 

As I read this chapter I could not help but draw a parallel between leprosy of the body and leprosy of the spirit, or rather the decay of the spirit.  If a person allows their spirit to become contaminated, it can infect the entire person, and even those around them.  There is a reason that as youth we are encouraged to make friends with those that share our same values.  It is because we will become like those we associate with.  If we associate with someone who has leprosy of the spirit, or is of a damaging spirit, then we will most likely be damaged too.  It's just a matter of how much. 

Now this way of thinking may seem harsh, but it is no different than the thought process behind the old saying one bad apple spoils the bunch.  If there is a cancer in your body you remove it.  If there is a cancer in your spirit,  you also need to remove it.  The only way to do that is to remove yourself from the situation and pray for Heavenly Father to cleanse you and help you become better than you are/were.  It's supremely important and all of will have to face that choice someday.  Most of us have to face it on a regular basis since we frequently associate with those who are not of the same religious faith as us.  Decide now how you will handle those situations and it will not be a test at all, but rather something you have prepared for your entire life.  You will not be sorry you did.

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