Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We Cannot Escape Justice

Today I read 1 Kings 16 which continues telling us the story of the kings of Israel and of Judah.  What is interesting to me is how the Lord will use the wicked to punish the wicked.  The number of times that the scriptures record that someone killed the king to take over the kingdom and it was because of the word of the Lord is quite frequent.  The Lord will use the wicked to punish other wickedness.

Now, just because it was according to the word of the Lord does not absolve the person of the wicked deed they did.  Just because Jesus Christ had to die to save the world does not mean Pilate is blameless for killing Him.  We are responsible for our actions, prophecy or not.  But the one thing I take away from this, is even if we feel our actions are justified because the person we are doing it to "deserves it", we will still be punished and held accountable for those actions.  There is no escaping our actions.  Just as the second Article of Faith states that man will be punished for our own sins and not for Adam's transgression, so we will be punished for our own sins and not because it was done to someone who was wicked.  We cannot escape justice.  Until tomorrow.

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