Saturday, December 29, 2012

Naaman the Leper is Healed

Today I read 2 Kings 5 which contains the story of Naaman the leper who came to Elisha to be healed of his leprosy.  Most know the story that Elisha sent a servant to Naaman telling him to go wash himself in the River Jordan 7 times and he would be clean.  Naaman becomes very upset by this request and leaves Elisha's presence.  Naaman's servant however is a very wise man and reminds Naaman that if Elisha had asked him to perform a huge task he would have done it without question, how much simpler is it to just wash himself in a river.  Fortunately for Naaman, he does it and is healed.

The rest of the chapter is about Naaman wanting to pay Elisha for healing him.  Elisha states that he will take no payment and send Naaman on his way.  Elisha's servant however, runs after Naaman, lies to him by telling him that Elisha sent him to get some money and clothing for some men who were coming and took payment.  For his lie and his greed he was struck with leprosy.  I have given a lot of Priesthood blessings for the sick and for the comfort of the person receiving the blessing and I cannot imagine taking a payment for doing so!  It is always an honor to serve my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and to take a payment for doing it is just silly in my mind.  While I think Elisha was harsh to curse his servant's children with leprosy, I do think it is fitting that his servant himself should be struck with it.  Taking payment for doing the work of the Lord is just unthinkable.  Until tomorrow.

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