Monday, December 10, 2012

Solomon Offers a Prayer

Today I read 1 Kings 8 where Solomon puts the Ark of the Covenant inside the new Temple.  Afterwards Solomon offers up a prayer to God.  Prayer has been on my mind a lot lately.  I have read several Ensign articles about it and I have have several talks in church focus on it.  I think most of us don't focus on prayer like we should.  I know personally I have not had very good prayers recently.  I wish I could pray like I did as a missionary.  Part of the key I think is to pray when I'm not so tired, so I can really focus on what I am saying and what I want to say and pray for.

If you think about it, prayer is really spectacular.  We have a direct link to God that we can use at any time.  Whenever we want, we can tell Him what is happening with us and tell Him all about our day.  We will never get a busy signal and He will never be too busy to listen to us.  It's really amazing that the God of the entire universe is interested in me, and all of us.  If we take the time to speak to Him, He will listen and will answer us.  Why would we squander such a resource?  We owe it to ourselves to take advantage of prayer.  Just remember that sometimes the answer might be "no" for what we ask.  Until tomorrow.

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