Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Prophet Visits Jeroboam

Today I read 1 Kings 13 where a prophet of God is sent to chastise Jeroboam and convince him of the error of his ways by showing him a sign.  Unfortunately, Jeroboam does not believe the sign he is given and as soon as he is made whole again he goes back to the error of his ways.  Signs cannot give a person faith, the faith has to come first.  That fact was proven over and over again in the early days of the church in this dispensation.  Signs are used to confirm faith, not give it in the first place.

Unfortunately for the prophet, he does not stay true to his charge.  He was told by God not to eat or drink any food in that part of the land.  However a false prophet tells him that God has charged him with feeding the prophet that met with Jeroboam and so the real prophet eats and drinks and is slain because of his disobedience.  It is sad really, how harsh the punishments were in those days.  I mean, where's the chance for repentance?  I know Heavenly Father knows the hearts of men and He is perfect, but the way some of these stories are written just makes me wonder.  I'll be glad when I know the whole story and I'm confident it will all make sense.  Until tomorrow.

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