Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Danger of Wealth

Today I read 1 Kings 10 where the Queen of Sheba comes to meet Solomon and test his wisdom.  I am a curious how kings and those with lots of money seem to always buy lavish things and spends lots of money just showing off how much money they actually have.  How much better could he have improved the lives of his people if Solomon had used that money to help his people?

The old saying goes that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I think it should include that money corrupts also.  There is a reason that Jesus stated it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven.  Most people do not seek for riches with the intent to do good.  But rather to have the riches themselves.  To hoard it.  The other day I saw the movie Bruce Almighty, where a common man is given the power of God.  After a week God appears to him and asks what he has done to help other people.  Bruce replies that he has been righting a few wrongs in his own life first.  That's how most people who suddenly come into money would react too.  They would only focus on their own lives.  Which is fine at first, but after a point, you need to use your blessings to help those around you.  That is why most of us cannot handle a lot of money, we don't know how to use it.  We can handle being poor, just not being rich.  Until tomorrow.

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