Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Uzzah Slain for Steadying the Ark

Today I read 2 Samuel 6 where David moves the Ark of the Lord.  This chapter has always puzzled me.  This is the chapter where a man named Uzzah put his hand on the Ark to steady it because it was wobbly.  For his efforts, the Lord slays him which angers David.  I have often wondered if there was more to the story than him just putting his hand out to steady the ark but I truly don't know.  It is true that the Ark was something that was holy and only certain people had the Lord's permission to touch it, however it still seems rather harsh to think that a man was killed only because he was trying to stop the Ark from tipping over.

The rest of this chapter has David celebrating the return of the Ark and his wife, Micah disapproving how much skin he apparently showed while dancing.  David gets angry in return stating he was worshiping the Lord and he doesn't care who saw him.  I can certainly understand not caring how you are perceived by others, especially when it comes to how one is worshiping the Lord.  While on the one hand worshiping the Lord is something very private, there are also certain ways which I would consider inappropriate.  And sometimes an appropriate form of worship becomes inappropriate if done in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Temple worship comes to mind for a good example.  So I don't know if Micah was right, or David was right.  But the lesson I take away is that there is a time and a place for everything and when your wife comes to you with a concern the best way to handle it is with sincerity and openness.  Until tomorrow.

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