Monday, November 26, 2012

Absalom is Slain

Today I read 2 Samuel 18 where David goes to battle against Absalom.  It's very neat how much detail the historians who wrote these histories have put into things.  For example, they put in that Absalom was riding a mule during the battle and got his head stuck in an oak tree and couldn't get down.  That is a detail that is very humorous and in this particular case does in fact have to do with the story since his enemies found him in that predicament and so slew him because he could not flee, but normally it would not be included.

Poor David is spending the rest of his life paying for his mistake.  He did not want his son killed despite the fact that his son stole the kingdom from him.  But his retainers killed his son which caused him much grief.  I could not imagine having my child turn against me like that and wanting my death.  I think that would be worse than anything.  I can only imagine the grief and pain Heavenly Father must feel that a full third of all His children have turned against Him led by His son, Lucifer.  What a horrible feeling that must be.  I hope I am lucky enough that all of my children stay true to the Gospel and develop their own testimonies, I'm not sure I could handle it otherwise.  But God knows what I am strong enough to handle and He will give me the trials I need to grow.  That I can count on!  Until tomorrow.

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