Thursday, November 22, 2012

Absalom Returns to Jerusalem

Today I read 2 Samuel 14 where David's servant Joab devises a way for Absalom to return to Jerusalem without David slaying him.  Apparently I was wrong yesterday when I said that David did not fault him.  Apparently David was very upset with Absalom and would have had him killed if he could have so Absalom had fled.  But Joab had a woman disguise herself and plead her case of her two sons who one killed the other and now justice demanded her other son, her only son now, which would have ended her line forever.  David states he will protect her son and the woman promptly asks why he is willing to do it for her, but not for his own son, Absalom.  So David relents and allows Absalom to return to Jerusalem, but not to see his face for 2 years.

It is always good to have compassion, however, the law of God is very clear.  A murderer must be punished, in fact the way I understand it, giving up your life if you have committed murder is part of the repentance process.  There is no way to make restitution for a life that is taken except to repay with your own life.  It will not bring the dead back to life, but making restitution is part of the repentance process and so to fully repent of his sins, Absalom would need to give up his life.  I am thankful that I am not Heavenly Father and have to make such judgments, I happily leave all of that up to Him!  Until tomorrow.

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