Friday, November 23, 2012

Absalom Steals the Kingdom

Today I read 2 Samuel 15 where Absalom shows just how ungrateful he is to his father, David, the king.  Although 40 years is a long time and memories do not last overly long.  As the story reads, Absalom spends 40 years standing outside where the Israelites come for a judgment of the king and telling them that if he were king he would do things a certain way.  Basically he is campaigning to be king.  However, it works and he manages to pull the hearts of the Israelites over to him.

Honestly, I do not understand why so many people want to be king.  This chapter has completely changed my opinion of Absalom.  He was filled with righteous anger over his sister's rape, but now he has stolen the kingdom away from God's anointed.  If he were a righteous man, he would know that God will not let that stand.  Although, this should not be surprising to David in a way.  When he had Uriah killed God told him that his house would know war continually.  Still, to rise up against your own father like that?  I couldn't imagine it.  And it's not even like David was an evil king making his subjects to sin, from all we know, the only thing David ever did wrong as king was Bath-sheba and Uriah.  Just as Jesus said Himself, power makes most men corrupt and they abuse it almost as soon as they get it.  It's sad really because power is so fickle.  Better to strive for things of the Spirit than earthly honors.  Until tomorrow.

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