Tuesday, November 20, 2012

David is Punished by the Lord

Today I read 2 Samuel 12 where the Lord reveals His deep displeasure for what David has done.  The Lord sends Nathan to tell David a parable which I think is so much more effective than if he had just said that the Lord was displeased.  By the way Nathan approached David, David was able to realize the true iniquity of what he had done.  Even David was horrified by what he had done when it was put into other terms, in terms of stealing.

The Lord expects us all to obey His commandments.  When we don't there is a consequence.  Sometimes it is a natural consequence.  When we disobey God's command to avoid drugs, we will bring sickness upon ourselves that will ravish our bodies.  However, sometimes there is no natural consequence that follows a sin and so God may choose to impose a consequence of His own choosing.  He does so here.  He takes the child that was created from David and Bath-sheba's adulterous romp.  I highly doubt it was a natural consequence because later they are able to have a child whose name is Solomon.  I think this was a direct punishment from God.  And God will do that sometimes to help drive home a lesson.  The best way to make sure that we are kept safe from any consequences we don't want to have, is to live the commandments and live the kind of life that God wants us to.  If we live a good and righteous life, we can't go wrong.  Until tomorrow.

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