Sunday, September 30, 2012

Recognize His Hand in All Things

Today I read Judges 17 where a man named Micah takes his mother's silver and returns it to her.  She then makes several idols and graven images out of the silver.  Micah then proceeds to consecrate his own priests.  It never fails to amaze me when I read the Bible how often the Israelites leave the Lord their God and go off and do their own thing, despite the abundant examples they have of how horribly that has turned out for everyone who has ever done that so far.

It's interesting that Heavenly Father took so open a hand with His people in those days.  Heavenly Father was openly doing things for and to the Israelites and the Nephites.  In our day, I believe Heavenly Father is just as involved in our lives if we pay attention, but it does not seem quite so open to me.  Heavenly Father's blessings are all around us if we care to look, but it is not so obvious as say Gideon's 300 men defeating the Midianites or Sampson's inhuman strength.  Instead in this day and age we have Heavenly Father whispering to His servants to save them from car accidents and blessing them because they pay their tithing.

But His blessings are all around us if we pay attention.  And if we really want to see them, all we have to do is ask Heavenly Father help us be aware of His help and His blessings.  He will help us recognize His hand and we can properly thank Him for all He does for us.  And I personally believe that the more we recognize and thank Him for His blessings, the more He will want to, and will bless us.  Who would want to pass that up?  Until tomorrow.

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