Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ephraimites Destroyed Because of Pride

Today I read Judges 12 where the people of Ephraim got mad at Jephthah for not letting them fight in the battles.  I've got to say I'm quite confused by this chapter.  They are upset they did not get to participate in a war and so they are coming to battle against Jephthah.  I really don't see how that makes any sense at all.  And the end result is that 42,000 of the people of Ephraim died because of their pride and anger. 

Pride is the downfall of most people.  It is very rare to meet someone without any pride at all.  The Ephraimites felt slighted and so went to war over it.  What a ridiculous reason to have almost a 50,000 people die!  It's no wonder that God was not with them with such a lame excuse for going to war.  Heavenly Father will not help us with our own folly.  He will only stand by us when we are in the right.  That very rarely means full of pride.  God has said in the past through His prophets that He will have a humble people, we can humble ourselves or we can be compelled to be humble, but we will be humble.  I don't know about you, but I'd much rather humble myself!  Until tomorrow.

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