Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Rise and Fall of Abimelech

Today I read Judges 9 which tells the story of Abimelech, one of the sons of Gideon, who was a very evil man.  He had 70 brothers and he killed them all so that he could rule Israel and slaughtered thousands in warfare.  In the end he was slain when a woman threw a piece of rock and hit him in the head during a siege on a tower that held the inhabitants of an entire city. 

I have spoken here in the past about power and how fickle it is and it only lasts if those you command decide to follow you.  I have often wondered if the people who follow such bloodthirsty leaders are just as bloodthirsty themselves?  I mean, why would people follow such a leader?  Burning people alive in a locked tower?  Killing a thousand men and women that way?  My soul recoils at the thought of so evil an action.  It must be that those who followed Abimelech were just as bloodthirsty, why else would they not just walk away or try and kill Abimelech to make it stop?  It's the only conclusion I can think of.  I would never have been able to live back then, I would surely have been put to death for not joining the army or rebelling or something along those lines.

Thank goodness for the plan of God.  I firmly believe we were each placed in the time and place we were born into on purpose.  Heavenly Father knows my disposition and knows I would never have survived in those times and so He kept me from them.  My challenges I face in this time are much more spiritual than physical.  Much more suited to my nature.  I'm not sure I could ever get over having to kill someone, even in self defense.  Hopefully I never have to find out and in this day and age it is very unlikely I will have to.  I thank Heavenly Father every day for His guidance and His wisdom for putting me here in this time.  I hope you also see the wisdom in Heavenly Father in where you are.  Until tomorrow.

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