Thursday, September 13, 2012

Joshua Will Serve God

Today I read Joshua 24 where Joshua dies.  However, before he passes away, he calls the elders of Israel together and talks to them.  He reminds them of the great things the Lord has done for them and reminds them again to forsake strange gods.  He also gives a scripture mastery that no matter what they choose, he and his progeny will serve the Lord.  It's a powerful statement and one that can't be misinterpreted. Just like we stated the other day, God is just as focused on intent as He is action.  When we give lip service and say we are going to serve Him but we don't, that is worse for us than if we had been honest and said we had no intention of serving Him. 

I know that temptation is always around us and we always have weakness, but I swear, the way the scriptures are written it makes it seem like the Israelites are always doing what is wrong.  I know like I said before we only have the cliff notes version of what happened back then and I'm sure it was not everyone leaving after strange gods, but it sure does seem that way.  I'm sure there were plenty of Israelites that lived their entire lives loyal to Heavenly Father and living the commandments the way they should.  It's kind of like they say, no news is good news so we don't hear about it when they are doing well.  At least I sincerely hope that is the case, but we will know in the end.  Until tomorrow.

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