Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pride, the Destroyer of Civilizations

Today I read Joshua 12 which lists all the Kings and lands that Israel conquered.  That's all this chapter contains is a list of the names of those that Israel conquered.  It made me think again of all the people that had to make way for God to keep His promise.  And again reminded me of the speech Nephi makes to his people about their enemies, the Lamanites.  He tells the Nephites that if the Lamanites were more righteous than them, they would have been more favored.  That God is no respecter of persons and that it is only their ignorance and traditions that keep them away from the truth.

In the early days of the church when the Saints moved to Missouri, they were very proud and haughty about the fact that they belonged to God's true church.  They would brag about how all their friends were going to come and "take over" the land around them.  If they had been humble and done as the Lord commanded them to, they never would have been thrown out of the land like they were.  Pride is the great stumbling block of all people and civilizations.  If it weren't for pride, history would be very different than what we know it to be, for all peoples.  Pride is so hard to be rid of.  The only way to really and truly be rid of it is to ask God to help you.  However, you should be aware that the way He will most likely help you is to give you opportunities to be humble.  Be ready because it will not be easy!  Until tomorrow.

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