Sunday, September 16, 2012

God WIll Help Us Overcome Our Weakness

Today I read Judges 3 where once again Israel forsakes the Lord to go after strange gods.  Honestly, you would think they would learn their lesson if nothing else from their own history.  I mean anytime in the past this has happened it has not turned out well for them.  Do they really think it will be any different this time?  Someone said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.  By this definition, the ancient Israelites were insane!  Although I don't know for a fact that they expected different results. 

It's sad really that the Israelites were so driven by their loins.  At least I can think of no other reason why they would constantly leave God to server fertility gods.  I would have to assume that whatever "worship" services such a god would have would include sex.  This of course would appeal to all those people who have a weakness for sex and things of the flesh.  But it's still no reason to forsake the Lord, at least to me.

I will be the first to admit that this world has a lot of appealing things to offer.  No matter what your weakness is, you can fulfill it in gusto.  If you have a weakness for sex, pornography is available like never before.  If you have a weakness for alcohol, we are a nation of alcoholics and can buy liquor at almost any store except fast food restaurants!  Anger issues?  No problem, we'll declare it a sickness and give you a way out of taking responsibility for it.  The list goes on and on.  Heavenly Father sent us here and blocked off our memories of our past life with Him so that we could decide, all on our own, what it was we really wanted for ourselves.  We make that choice everyday by what we do with our time and our thoughts.  If you want to change, Heavenly Father can and will help you if you ask Him. 

Each of us were given a weakness for the sole purpose of making us humble so we would come to Him for help.  Still, it's a strange feeling to desire something and yet desire to NOT desire it.  When you identify your weakness, most likely just because you know what it is, it will not go away.  You have to turn to the Lord for help.  We will have to pray that He will take away our unrighteous desires.  But He will not leave us to face our challenges alone.  If we are sincere in our desires, He will help us.  And that gives us the hope to keep moving forward.  Until tomorrow.

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