Monday, April 16, 2012

The Israelites Plunder Egypt

Today I read Exodus 11 where the Lord tells Moses what His plan is and what the next plague will be. It made me wonder if the Lord told Moses before hand what all the other plagues were going to be or if He only told Moses as Moses was causing them to happen. It doesn't really matter I suppose I was just curious about it. But on this one the Lord most definitely tells Moses exactly what is coming and what the next plague will be.

The Lord also tells Moses to have all the Israelites borrow gold and silver from their neighbors because when Pharaoh tells them to leave he will cast them out forcibly. I wonder why the Lord wanted them all to have silver and gold though? I am not certain but the Israelites follow the commandment of the Lord and plunder the country of Egypt of its wealth.

The one thing that I took away from this chapter was the obedience of the Israelites. They listen to the Lord and follow what He tells them to do. It is interesting because later, once they are released from bondage, they are quite rebellious and do not do what the Lord tells them to do, to the point that they have to wander in the wilderness until everyone over the age of 20 years old passes away. But, it reminds me of children. When a child wants something, they are sweet and nice and cuddly, but after they get what they want, they can be an unholy terror and not listen at all. I think we are all like that when it comes to deity. When we want something, we are quick to follow the commandments and do as He asks of us, but when we don't, we could care less what He wants us to do. Which is sad because if we would just rely on Him all the time, we would have a much better life, or at least know our life is in line with what He wants from us. And that is a comfort to have that assurance. Until tomorrow.

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