Wednesday, April 18, 2012

God Knows His People

Today I read Exodus 13 where the Lord again reiterates the feast of the Passover and how it is to be kept. One thing I have noticed as I have gotten older and the more i understand the Gospel and the scriptures is that the Lord likes ceremony. Especially when it comes to ordinances of the Priesthood. It makes me wonder if maybe the Priesthood ordinances are something that is governed by laws even older than Heavenly Father. It is interesting to me how few people seem to understand that God is governed by laws just as we are. Some people actually get quite upset by such a suggestion, as if that somehow diminishes Him in some way. These are probably the same people that have a major problem with the idea that Satan and Jesus Christ are spiritual brothers. Although that to me, is a harder concept to swallow if you don't understand it. I grew up knowing it to be a truth so it doesn't really bother me at all. But I can see where someone else who is just learning it for the first time as an adult might reel from the thought of it.

It is interesting to me that when the Israelites leave Egypt, Moses states that the Lord purposefully led them away from the Philistines. And the reason being is when they were faced with the prospect of war, the Lord was afraid that the Israelites would want to renege and go back to Egypt, which is exactly what happens several times while they are out in the wilderness. How well God knows us and can plan around us and what we will choose to do. Some would call that a lack of free will, that the Lord is causing it. I say He knows us so well that He already knows the outcome, much like if we were to drop an object, we know that it will fall to the ground. We did not make it happen, but because we understand the laws of gravity, we can state with absolute confidence that the object is going to fall. Some would be upset by this, but I find it comforting that someone knows me so well, because to me it means that if I ever need Him, and I do, He will know exactly what to do for me if I will just listen. Until tomorrow.

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