Thursday, August 16, 2012

We Can Always Repent

Today I read Deuteronomy 30  where once again the Lord asks the people of Israel to serve Him.  The Lord basically tells them that when they do all the things in the previous chapter that would cause them to be scattered, if they will remember Him and their covenants with Him, they will be restored, which is a comforting thought.

One of the things that has always been a strong comfort to me is the fact that you can always go back.  When I was younger, my older brothers were not the best of role models.  They made lots of mistakes and got in trouble a lot.  But I learned that no matter what they did, they could always come home, and I took that to heart.  My parents loved us no matter what we did.  And as an adult, I have come to feel the same way about my daughter.  No matter how frustrated I get with her, I still love her and will always be there for her.  If I feel that way about my earthly daughter, I can only imagine how God feels about us.

We can always repent.  Got loves us so He sent His Son, the song goes.  And it's true.  He sacrificed His only flesh and blood offspring so that all His Spirit children could live again and have the opportunity to repent of their wrong doings.  It does not matter what we have done, God will take us back if we repent and ask His sincere forgiveness.  Now, there is something we can do that is unforgivable, but I believe if someone goes that far, they are not going to come back anyway.  But for the rest of us, it is nice to know that we can always "come home" no matter what we have done.  Until tomorrow.

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