Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moses Blesses Israel/Father's Blessings

Today I read Deuteronomy 33 where Moses blesses all the tribes of Israel individually.  It reminds me of Jacob/Israel, before he passed away and again of Lehi and his progeny.  In the Pearl of Great Price we learn that Adam did the same thing.  This is a tradition dating back to the beginning of time.  Oddly enough, it came at a time when I was just reminded of giving a Father's blessing before the start of the school year.

Having grown up in a home with the priesthood, as long as I can remember, with the exception of when I was on a mission, I was given a Father's blessing every year in August or September at the beginning of the school year.  When I was in college sometimes I would get them in December or January too.  As I got older and realized the significance of getting them, I looked forward to it each and every year.  I remember when I was 15 years old the blessing told me that I would meet a very good friend who would be an influence in my life like I would be in his.  I would like to believe he still thinks of me, but I did indeed meet a very good friend that year and throughout the years I find myself thinking about him and choices he helped me make.

When I was 26 years old, my Father's blessing told me I would meet my wife if I explored every idea and suggestion that came to me.  I ended up meeting her when I was 27, the next year, but I found her by listening to a friend who wanted to set me up with her on a blind date.  How right Heavenly Father was to tell me through my Father to listen to all suggestions!  Those are just the strongest memories of Father's blessings I have, there are dozens more with just as real experiences, if not quite as significant.

If you are a Latter-day Saint who holds the Priesthood, do you use it to give blessings for your family?  If you are a Latter-day Saint, do you seek blessings of comfort and guidance when needed?  If you answered no to either of these, you are squandering one of the most precious gifts God has ever given mankind.  It is kind of like being given a blanket and when it snows outside you refuse to open it up and cover yourself with it!  The Priesthood does no good if it is not used.  God will answer prayers through a Priesthood blessing and we are doing ourselves a disservice if we do not seek out blessings from time to time.  It is rare that God will prompt us to seek out a blessing I think, but every time we seek it out ourselves, we won't be disappointed.  Until tomorrow.

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