Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Importance of Tithing

Today I read Deuteronomy 26 and the part that stood out to me the most was about tithing.  It has been on my mind for the last few days.  I sometimes wonder how people can survive without paying tithing to the Lord and receiving those blessings.  Which is humorous to me because most of the non-members probably look at me giving 10% of my income to God and wonder how I can afford to give so much.  And it's true that that money sometimes would help make ends meet or make life a little more comfortable, but I made a choice years and  years ago to always be a full tithe payer.

I have said many times already that I do not think God is short on money and could easily take care of His people any way He sees fit.  However, by having us pay tithing, it teaches us to sacrifice for the Lord.  Sometimes we have to put our faith on the line.  We have to pay tithing or pay our rent/mortgage.  But every instance that I have come across where a faithful Latter-day Saint has chosen to pay tithing has been blessed for it and the mortgage takes care of itself somehow. 

Tithing is meant to stretch us though.  It is meant to test our faith.  If it was easy to pay tithing all of the time, it would not help us grow.  I am personally glad I have always had the habit of paying tithing and have not had to learn to do it as an adult.  I think that would be a lot harder and require a lot more faith.  But I am sure that those who do learn to do it as an adult are blessed for their efforts.  All people who put their faith and trust in the Lord are rewarded for it, even if they don't see it themselves.  Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Now read Deut. 14:22-29 and find out HOW you should be tithing.

    Do you follow the scriptures when you tithe, or do you follow a man-made doctrine instead?
