Monday, February 6, 2012

The Reality of the Devil

Today I read Revelation 13 which seems to be all about the devil and his followers. This is also the chapter where we learn the mark of the beast is 666 which I find leads to some pretty humorous superstitions. But I always find it strange how fascinated some people are with the devil and his doings. It's almost unwholesome really and it makes me wonder if those people are mentally all there. I really don't understand why any rational being would worship the devil.

I would think that perhaps they are deceived by a being who appears to have power, but honestly if someone believes in the devil, they must believe in God also. So it makes no sense to me. But I'm not going to spend time trying to understand the mind of a Satan worshiper. That just doesn't seem like a worthwhile pursuit to me.

I really didn't find anything worth talking about while reading this chapter other than the thought that while yes, Satan is real, he is also on the losing side of things and will be defeated. And that is a comforting thought. And I think I will leave it at that because as I stated, it is not wise to dwell overly long on the things of the devil. It is much better to just acknowledge his existence and then move on to the things of the Spirit. Which is what I intend to do today. Until tomorrow.

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