Thursday, February 9, 2012

By Their Fruits

Today I read Revelation 16 which is all about the plagues that are going to be poured out upon mankind before the Second Coming. I have often wondered if, at least some of these plagues, are symbolic. For example it talked about the seas and the rivers and lakes turning to blood. I wonder if they will just turn red from some phenomenon or if they truly will turn to blood as did the Nile in Egypt of old. I guess time will tell.

There was a statement in the chapter that caught my attention. It talked about the devil performing miracles to confuse and mislead mankind. This makes me think of the wisemen of Egypt during the time of Moses who were able to duplicate several of the plagues that Moses produced, including turning a stick into a snake. The devil has power to perform miracles in the natural world to deceive mankind. I once heard it said that Satan will tell a thousand truths to tell just one lie. I think that is accurate and is certainly how he snared Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. He told her the truth of what the fruit would accomplish in her, but lied that it would not cause her to die.

I had a conversation this past Sunday with my dad about Satan. We were talking about the devil’s plans and most people think that the devil is trying to win, or beat God. My dad mentioned that he thought that was not the case, Satan knew he was going to lose. But what Satan’s real goal is, is to make mankind miserable like he is. I do believe that is his ultimate goal because the scriptures state it is. But it got me thinking, why is he miserable? I think it is because he knows he screwed up and there is nothing he can do about it. He squandered his inheritance for a proverbial mess of pottage. Now he is forced to lie in the bed he has made for himself. I don’t know if that is the case, but for sure he is miserable as the scriptures state it and he wants all mankind to be miserable like unto himself.

I don’t enjoy speaking of the things of the devil and so I will end here. But the fact remains if the devil can perform miracles to deceive, how do we know the one performing the miracle is using the Priesthood or of the devil? My answer comes from Matthew and that is that by their fruits you shall know them. What kind of a person are they, how do they conduct themselves? What are their actions telling you about them? You will know what kind of a person they are, just listen to the Spirit. Until tomorrow.

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