Monday, August 16, 2010

The Ultimate Comforter

Today I read Alma 7, Alma's talk to the people in the land of Gideon. I like this chapter, as I do most of the chapters in the Book of Mormon. This one stands out to me because it helps me understand the Atonement so much better.

We all know that somehow, someway the Savior suffered for all of our sins and overcame death so that we might also if we will just repent. But we learn in Alma 7:11 that he also suffered every other affliction that mankind can suffer.

It is truly amazing to me that not only did the Savior suffer for our sins, He also suffered every emotion, feeling, pain, sickness, anything a human can feel for us. That is mind boggling! I know people that absolutely hate to be told that someone knows "Exactly how you feel". They hate it because it's not true. No one can know exactly how another person feels. But according to this verse, Jesus does know exactly how we feel at any given moment, because he suffered for it.

I thought suffering for just our sins would be bad enough, but I can't even imagine suffering all human emotions too. Just thinking about all the misery in the world, all the emotional hurts that we suffer on a normal basis, let alone all the evils of the world. Is it any wonder that He bled from every pore? Is it any wonder that He almost balked at the last moment?

Knowing this gives Jacob's sermon in 2 Nephi 9 a whole new meaning! It makes one want to sing out in praises to God all the day long and to be as good as possible so that we don't contribute to His suffering. It really is a sobering thought. But more than that it is a comfort knowing that we can truly turn to Him and He DOES know what we are going through and He can give us that comfort and help us get through the tough times.

He understands and is able to help us if we let Him. Just like when we are mired down by sin we can turn to Him, we can also turn to Him for help when we are having difficulties in anything we do. He is there for us and always willing to listen to us. Prayer should be a comfort and not a burden. We should be able to speak to Him like we do our earthly father or friend. He is waiting to help us if we will just ask. Not turning to Him is as silly really as being given a gift from your best friend but never opening it. This world is hard enough, there is no need to make it harder on ourselves by refusing the best gift we have ever been given. Until tomorrow.

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