Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sacrifice brings Blessings

Today I read Alma 15. There are many good things about this chapter, it shows Alma using his priesthood to give a blessing, it shows the true conversion of Zeezrom, and the establishment of the church in that land of Sidom. However, not all of the chapter is happy. We learn that Amulek has been disowned by his family, especially his father, and by the way the scripture reads, perhaps even by his wife and children.

I feel a huge pang of sympathy for Amulek. It is a hard thing to sacrifice for the Lord. Three times now the Lord has asked me to give up the life I have built for myself to do what He asked of me. Once He even asked me to give up that which was most precious to me and I nearly lost my testimony over it. I struggled to do as I was asked by my Father in Heaven and it was a hard choice to make. However in the end, I thought that if I turn my back on Heavenly Father now, I was 24 at the time, what has the last 24 years been for? Why did I serve a mission if I am just going to quit now? And so I kept my testimony and continued to serve and gave up what was required of me. And as hard as it was then, and the ensuing years, I don't ever regret it.

The closest I have ever come to giving up my family would be my mission. Every missionary has to face the pang of loss of their family at some point. But they are not really lost. Most missionaries still hear from their families and still receive support from them. I could not imagine suffering as Amulek did and being rejected of even his family. No matter how hard the sacrifices I have been called to give have been, my family has always been there to support me. It warms my heart to read stories in the Ensign of those who give up even their families for the sake of the gospel. I cannot imagine the faith these people must have. I can imagine their resolve, I would never give up my testimony for anything I can conceive of. I have passed through the afflictions that tempt me and strive to draw me away from the truth and I do not think anything else can even attempt to tempt me like that again.

But during Amulek's darkest hour, he had good friends in the gospel to uplift him and comfort him. That is another beautiful aspect of the church, we look out for one another. Yesterday I had the chance with 5 of my fellow Elder's quorum members to help a new family that we had never met before yesterday morning move into their new home. It was a great experience. We had their 26 foot truck unloaded in just over an hour and a half. It is a wonderful thing to give service and to help uplift those that need it. I sure feel it in my shoulders and back today though. :) Each member of the church promises to mourn with those that mourn as one of the baptismal covenants that we took upon ourselves at baptism. Sometimes it's enough to just cry with those that suffer. Sometimes they need service, sometimes they just need a hug. But no matter what is needed, the members of the church, our church family is there for us.

I titled this post sacrifice brings blessings. So far I have really only talked about the sacrifice part and not really the blessings. That is because I hold the blessings that have resulted from each of the sacrifices that I talked about to be self-evident. Just like with Job, the Lord never takes anything away without giving you back something better. Choosing to follow the Lord instead of my own desires led to my career which I now enjoy and eventually to my beautiful wife and daughter. I would not have met my wife if I had followed the advice of everyone around me instead of following what the Spirit told me to do, no matter how hard and at times distasteful it was. I think when we die and ask Amulek was it worth it, he will smile, hold out his arms wide as if to encompass the whole of heaven and ask, "What do you think?" May we all have a pleasant attitude when called upon to sacrifice for the Lord. Until tomorrow.

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