Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Charity

Today I read Moroni 1, it is a very short chapter but I could not help but be moved by the perfect charity of Moroni. At this point in his life he has been alone for close to 40 years and for every single day of those years he has been hunted by the Lamanites. Now, I seriously doubt that there was a band of the Lamanites following him every step of the way, but you can feel his genuine surprise that he is still alive.

I always feel so sad for Moroni being alone for so long. I am sure that he had angels minister to him, I'm sure he met with the 3 Nephites and other heavenly messengers of some sort kept him bolstered up but I cannot even imagine being alone for 40 years! I can't even imagine being alone for 40 days.

And yet, despite it all, he states that the purpose of these last few chapters is to try and write something of great benefit to the Lamanites. I'm not so sure I would be as charitable as he is here. Of course, after 40 years I'm sure anyone's temper, anger and frustration would have had time to cool off and then die down completely. After all, back in the book of Mormon, the first time we hear from Moroni it's already been 15 years since the final battle.

Still, for some people, 15 years is not enough time to overcome feelings of hatred. I have never personally known anyone who could not overcome feelings of hatred for someone or a people, but there are dozens of literary examples over the years and most media is based on at least a spark of truth at one point. At least I would assume so. I have also personally never met a politician but the media portrays them so one way that I can only assume there is a reason behind the stereotype.

Now, Moroni does mention that what he is about to write is the will of the Lord which I find very interesting. I am not trying to tarnish the character of Moroni, far from it, we know that we was resurrected with a glorified body and will one day be exalted. But he was human too and I cannot but wonder at how in the world he did it, how did he survive those 40 plus years? I know of course it was with the help of the Lord and that he was comforted by the Lord.

But also, is it not possible that Moroni's talk about weaknesses to strength's in Ether 12 might not have included his own struggle for charity to the Lamanites? Perhaps, but then again perhaps not. Moroni might be one of those rare individuals that has always been a good upright man and never struggled with feelings of hatred or other uncharitable feelings. We are just not told. However he got there, there is one thing we can say for absolute certain, when he wrote this part of the writings, he had perfect charity for the Lamanites. There is not an ounce of irony or upset attitude at this point in Moroni's writings.

Whatever transpired before this, we know for a fact that we can emulate Moroni. He was a man who did all that the Lord asked of him without complaint and with perfect exactness. I do personally believe that he was a man much after the manner of his namesake, Captain Moroni from the book of Alma, one of Mormon's heroes. And we owe Moroni a debt of gratitude, because if he had not wandered the Americas for 40 plus years, we would not have the Book of Mormon today. He is another example of obeying the commandments of the Lord and listening to the promptings of the Spirit. Because you never know what the Spirit is going to lead you to do. Until tomorrow.

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