Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Witnesses to the Book of Mormon

I read 2 Nephi 26 and 27 today. Ever since I was a child some things have always amazed me. First I was always amazed the people could doubt the resurrection of Jesus. Even if you could refute the 11 apostles and women who saw Him, He was seen by over 500 people after his death.

Likewise I am floored that people would not believe in the Book of Mormon. The gold plates were seen and handled by at least 12 men. We have their testimonies. I find it interesting that in a public criminal trial, the testimony of 1 person is sufficient to condemn a man or woman of the truthfulness of a crime. The word of one "expert" is enough to verify a theory. And yet, the world doubts the reality of the Book of Mormon. It really is amazing to me how easily mankind is swayed into believing what they want to believe, regardless of how many facts are staring them in the face.

In chapter 27 Isaiah prophesies that the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon would be declared by 3 witnesses. These men were of course, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris. 3 men that although all of them fell away from the church for at least part of their life, never once denied the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. And yet still people doubt. It is so interesting to me that people will not accept things of the Spirit even when presented with temporal evidence. It reminds me of an ostrich, who sensing danger denies its very presence by placing its head in the sand. I have met many people like this in my time and it is always sad to me when I do. Such obstinacy, such blind stupidity. But we all have our trials in this life. And it is up to each of us to overcome our own trials. Until tomorrow.

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