Wednesday, June 16, 2010

to Act for Themselves

2 Nephi 2, it's hard to pick out just one impression from such a treasure trove of knowledge. However, the phrase that stuck to me on this read through comes from verse 26, "to act for themselves and not to be acted upon..."

All matter is divided into 2 groups, that which acts, and that which is acted upon. What I find interesting in this verse is that while man was always meant to be in the group that acts, when Adam partook of the forbidden fruit and fell, mankind was placed into the category where they were acted upon, spiritually speaking. Lehi teaches Jacob in this verse that before the Atonement of Jesus Christ all mankind was lost and had no hope of redemption and thus could not truly act.

Once the Atonement was completed however, all mankind once again was free to act and choose for themselves where they want to end up at the end of this life. God in His infinite goodness has allowed us to choose what will make us happiest, no matter how hard it is for Him to see us stray and choose to not return to Him and to ultimate happiness. I can only imagine how much that hurts.

The other thing that leapt out at me about this chapter is the constant referring to children as the way to be truly happy in this life and how it is the ultimate design for us. It really does amaze me how good of a job Satan does in confusing us what makes us happy, what is good and acceptable and how in our day and age he has so blinded people into thinking that everything is acceptable and if you stand up to people about what is right and what is wrong then you are actually in the wrong and a bigot. Say what you will about Satan, but he is good at his job! He can manipulate the strings of mankind like a master harpist. That is why we must constantly be on our guard and doing things like making sure we read our scriptures daily. It's only in this way will we even stand a chance against him and his machinations. Until tomorrow.

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